It seems such a long time ago that I excitedly queued up to get my tickets for Waiting for Godot but finally the day arrived. In case you slept through some of the press and pr about this production the reason it was so eagerly anticipated is not just because it is a classic play but the two protagonists were being played by Sir Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart.
This production was theatre as it should be, in fact one of our party declared it was the best play he had ever seen, and as he is a culture vulture this was quite a compliment! The two leads had the audience spell bound throughout, a lot of the dialogue was spoken in hushed tones however you could still hear every word clearly proving that there is a big difference between projecting your voice and merely shouting, which is something a lot of the tv/soap/reality stars who suddenly decide to 'do theatre' rarely grasp . Praise is also due to the two co-stars Simon Callow and Ronald Pickup who were equally enthralling. The whole production was faultless and proved that there is definitely still a place for theatre even in this digital age.
The good news is that the Theatre Royal Brighton has just released its Summer programme and there is plenty to look forward to, in particular Arthur Miller's A View from the Bridge starring Ken Stott. Although make sure you stay quiet during the performance as (quite rightly) Ken Stott won't stand for any disruptions. A View from the Bridge is being staged as part of the Brighton Festival as are The Playboy of the Western World and Breaking News.
So let us know what you've booked tickets to see and what your top tips are.
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