December 2005 was a milestone in the UK for gays and lesbians, when civil partnerships between same sex couples finally became a reality. As colourful Texan politician, Kinky Friedman, put it 'why not let 'em be as miserable as the rest of us'. Well quite! Although I'm not quite sure how I feel about being termed one of 'them'! Reminds me of a serial curtain twitcher called Gladys who used to live down my friend's road, who would pout knowingly, left eyebrow slightly raised, as she warned the milkman to keep his back to the wall at number 5, because the bloke inside was 'one of THEM'...

Anyway, I digress, going back to my original point, if you're getting all amorous on the lead up to Valentines and are thinking of embarking on a civil partnership, Brighton is right up there in the top places to get one. Think we're only number 2 to London in fact... I mean, we've got a thriving 'gay quarter', gay and lesbian hotels and even a great big ornate Palace for goodness sake!
You can find out more about gay Brighton and civil partnerships here.
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