Here is the final guest post from
The Grand's General Manager Andrew Mosley as he prepares to run his first marathon this Sunday...
“I don’t think I heard you correctly” I said. And drew a deep breath.
Some one had just told me that the
marathon was less than 2 weeks away.
“How’s your training going?”
Of course I know that the marathon is less than 2 weeks away. But it still doesn’t seem real. More than anything else I still can’t picture in my mind what 150,000 spectators lining the route will look or feel like and I guess that’s the bit I’m most looking forward to. All of my training has been along sections of the marathon route. So much of the time it has just been me and the empty space. Soon it will be very different.
Regarding the answer to the other question about my training. It’s fine – thanks. It hurts – every time. I would always prefer to be sitting in a warm bar somewhere.
It’s always the people that aren’t doing the marathon that ask. Those that are know the answers! It’s nice to know you all care so much – thanks!
Given that this is the last 2 weeks, this week I completed my 20 mile run. Now, you remember those few lovely sunny days when Brighton felt like Brighton again recently? Well I didn’t go out on any of those days. No - instead I had diarised to go out a day later. You know, when it was raining a bit, very misty and blowing a force 7. Lovely
During my run I met with Adrian, a fellow novice marathoner and a “40 something” all round good bloke.
We ran together along the under cliff path from the marina to Rottingdean. It was great to have company and for the first time I got a taste of how camaraderie might get me through this thing. There weren’t many people about. Just a few old ladies walking their little dogs. We didn’t run at too great a pace. However we did manage to just pip the old folk to the “finish line” by The White Horse
Adrian carried on to Saltdean. I turned back home. In to the Force 7 gale! I wanted to be Adrian
On one last matter Adrian made my day. “I recognise you from the tele” he said having watched me on “Put your money where your mouth is” the previous week where I bought a table off a friendly antiques chap for £200. The table looks lovely in the Grand lobby. I think we both silently acknowledged that Adrian could possibly do with getting out more so it’s good to know that he is!
There was no time for an autograph. I was too busy worrying about the wind.
I wish Adrian and all my fellow runners all the best for the 10th. Let’s stick together – we can do this you know!
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*Everyone here at LoveBrighton would like to thank Andrew for keeping us up to date on his training and of course we wish you, and all the runners, the very best of luck for Sunday.