Here is the latest update on how Andrew Mosley, General Manager of
The Grand, is progressing with his Brighton Marathon training...
Let battle commence!
With just 8 weeks to go we’
ve found out that out nearest and dearest rivals,
The Hilton Hotel, have also entered a team in The Marathon Corporate Challenge. The best 3 runners count so the gauntlet has been laid down and training has suddenly become serious! I think the press will get hold of it so keep your eyes open for the stories.
Personally I’m up to 14 miles on my training runs now. At this distance you get a mixture of emotions – mostly pain and boredom. I mean it’s hard to get too excited by a round trip to the
Shoreham Power Station and then up to The Marina and back! Especially in last week’s wind and rain. Actually my run was all going well until I turned back on to Marine Parade, (having already completed 12 miles) straight in to the teeth of the wind and driving rain. As I ran I could see normal people (not me clearly) in front of their televisions, drinking tea, enjoying the warmth of their homes, having a relaxing evening. I must admit I had one of those “what the hell am I doing” moments! Oh and by now it was past 9.30 at night just to make matters worse!
But overall it still feels good and I can see the finishing line in sight – well more the start line – but you know what I mean. The key is now to stay injury free, keep the diet sensible and work up slowly to some 18 mile runs. I’m told once you start doing those then you’re pretty much ready for the big one. We’ll see!
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