It's going to be a double
whammy today as I have two things I want to share with you, aren't you lucky?
The first one is just to let you know that any ticket holders for the Wild Fruit Red Party at
Oceana on Sunday night can also get free singing and cocktails at
Lucky VoiceThe other bit of news is that you can now go to Jamie Oliver's
Recipease on Western Road for breakfast or lunch. I was lucky enough to be invited to lunch there yesterday and it was really lovely. For anyone unfamiliar with it the front part is a shop and then there is a kitchen area at the back where you can do a number of different cookery courses. So when we went yesterday we were sat around the kitchen counter which was good for a couple of reasons. First of all we could watch the chefs in action, perfect for nosy people! And it helped me decide what to order as I thought a couple of the dishes sounded tempting but then I saw them preparing the beef and pumpkin salad and decided to go for that.
So if you fancy trying something a bit different for lunch then I'd definitely recommend it as the food was delicious and the staff were very friendly. And to those cynics who say that I would give it a good review as I was invited for lunch there, my reply is that I was well brought up and so if I didn't have anything nice to say I wouldn't have said anything ;)